Birmingham South Singing Group
Always led by Davina, the session is suited to all comers from beginners to more experienced. The focus is on breathing, relaxation, and sheer enjoyment of singing old favourites (from a folder of lyrics) and rounds always with the option to stay seated throughout. Davina accompanies us on her ukelele.
Wheelchair users welcomed. All carers and partners positively encouraged to participate.
Davina keeps in touch on WhatsApp..
The post code takes you to the large car park entrance opposite the junction of Alcester Rd South with Livingstone Rd. Make your way past the playing fields as far as you can go. We are in the Cartland Room where it is essential you put your Car Registration into the screen within 10 minutes to avoid a £100 PCN
There are toilets in the Club.
There is a charge of £3pp
After singing we always relax with cuppa!
Monthly on the first WednesdayFrom 11:00 until 12:30
Monthly on the third WednesdayFrom 11:00 until 12:30