Emotional and Practical Support
Mutual Support

Durham County Carers Support (includes Darlington)

Durham County Carers Support aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Carers caring for a friend or loved one in County Durham or Darlington.

It is a voluntary organisation that provides free high quality services and support to unpaid Carers over the age of 18 who support someone living in the County Durham or Darlington area. They offer a range of services from: Carer support, training for Carers, and helping to give Carers some extra time to look after their own wellbeing and to take a break.

Please visit their website at https://dccarers.org/ for more information and support.

Get in touch for more information.
Primary contact
Durham County Carers Support

Please note that this activity is not organised by Parkinson's UK (company number 00948776). Parkinson’s UK is not responsible for the activity and is not liable for any advice given or treatment received, or for any loss or damage incurred because of attending the activity.