Run by
This activity is run by Parkinson's UK

Thanet Group Social Meeting

Please note hand sanitiser is used to ensure we keep each other safe, if you are feeling unwell please do not join us to minimise any spread of germs.

The group has been meeting at its present location for nearly 30 years. We provide an opportunity to meet, talk or just listen to other members with Parkinson’s in a warm friendly environment. We charge £3.50 per person (partner/carer goes free).

We have singing sessions as part of some of our social meetings. This is an informal sing-a-long with instruments to popular music, this always raises spirits and helps with many of Parkinson’s symptoms associated with speech and swallowing. We also have visits from a Tai Chi instructor and lady who has recently introduced ‘Mindfulness’ to our group.

In addition to the social part of our meetings, our qualified exercise instructor holds a seated exercise session, this is optional to join. This is great fun and it makes sure that members keep their muscle flexibility and mobility.

We also organise many social activities throughout the year. These include lunches, cream teas and theatre outings at local venues.

Disabled parking is on the street outside the church on in nearby Morrisons car park.


Entry will be via the main entrance in Union Crescent - we are only using the large upper hall.

We will follow any government guidelines to help keep everyone safe

Refreshments will be taken in the upper hall and disposable cups and plates will be used.

There will be our usual raffle.

Ventilation may be increased using windows and ceiling fans. As a result it may be appropriate to wear warmer clothing as winter approaches.

If you have issues with Taxis please phone Central Cars on 01843 888888.

If you have any problems or wish to discuss the above arrangements, please contact Douglas

  • Weekly every Friday
    From 13:45 until 15:45
Primary contact
Douglas Hamilton


Union Church Margate
Union Crescent
Accessible parking available

This activity is run by

Thanet Branch

If you have any feedback about the activities available through our online search, please let us know at [email protected]