
Strength in Motion

These sessions will involve elements of chair-based yoga, weights, mobility practice as well as the use of resistance bands for stretching and strengthening muscles. This session will be open anyone with Parkinson's within the earlier to mid stages as it can be adapted to the participants needs. Exercises can be adjusted with a standing or seated variation. Our goal is to support people with Parkinson’s in becoming and staying active, as well as to provide significant benefits to those who are already active by increasing their levels of physical activity. Partners/ carers are welcome to join!

Session located in Studio 1 with stair and lift access.
Travel and Parking - Unfortunately, there is no car park on site. The site is well served by bus, train or tube. For further enquiries please contact the occupational therapist.

If you would like to attend please complete the referral form below. An Occupational Therapist will then contact to complete a initial telephone call assessment to find out how we can best support you in the leisure centre.

The cost is £3.45 per session. There are concessions for the first 10-12 participants to attend sessions (discounted to £1.45 per session) please enquire for further details.

Please wear comfortable clothes you can exercise in. A tracksuit/exercise clothes and trainers recommended. Please bring a water bottle - there are water fountains on site.

  • Weekly every Monday
    From 15:00 until 15:45
Primary contact
Ava-Jane Thomas


Moberly Sports Centre
25 Chamberlayne Road
NW10 3NB

Please note that this activity is not organised by Parkinson's UK (company number 00948776). Parkinson’s UK is not responsible for the activity and is not liable for any advice given or treatment received, or for any loss or damage incurred because of attending the activity.