Run by
This activity is run by Parkinson's UK

Rotherham Monthly Social Meeting

You are welcome to join us at our monthly social meeting where we offer information, friendship and support to local people affected by Parkinson's, their families and carers.

We meet monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month, from 1pm to 3pm at Herringthorpe Untited Reformed Church, Rotherham.

We usually organise a speaker and a raffle, followed by time to chat over a cuppa and biscuits. There's no need to book just come along and join us.

Our speakers for the coming year are:

Monday 10 February
New Ideas for Providing Nerve Cell protection and repair in Parkinson's, Professor Susan Duty

Monday 10  March
Diet & Looking After yourself  

Monday 14 April
Canal Journey, Mike Ogden    

Monday 12 May
Natures Wonders on your Doorstep, Steve Drinkall

Monday 9 June
Research Update 

Monday 14 July
Sunday Night at the London Palladium, Geoff Deacon  

Monday 11 August
Afternoon Cream Tea Fundraiser

Monday 8 September
My Zimbabee

Monday 13 October
Harvest Festival

Monday 10 November
Joanne & Claire, Parkinson's Specialist Nurses

Monday 8 December
Christmas Party

For more information, please contact Michael using the details below.

  • Monthly on the second Monday
    From 13:00 until 15:00
Primary contact
Michael Speight


Herringthorpe United Reform Church
Wickersley Road
S60 4JN
Accessible parking available

This activity is run by

Rotherham Support Group

If you have any feedback about the activities available through our online search, please let us know at [email protected]