
Online Chair Yoga

I am an accredited yoga therapist and yoga teacher with a passion for supporting those with Parkinson’s after my Mum’s diagnosis over a decade ago. 

I have been offering a face-to-face class with the East London PD group for the last two years and now pleased to offer an online weekly class to reach more people, especially for those who find it hard to get out and about. 

It’s suitable for all levels as I offer options for different physical abilities. 

We work on mobility, strength, stiffness and relaxation 

You do it from the comfort of your own home on any type of chair (or even the sofa!) in everyday lose, comfortable clothing. No other equipment needed.

Partners, carers, family and friends all welcome – it’s suitable for all.

No restriction on numbers 

Booking is necessary via this link

Pay a price that’s right for you, starting from £6 (for 45-min session)

  • Weekly every
    From 11:00 until 12:00
Primary contact
Yanar Alkayat

Please note that this activity is not organised by Parkinson's UK (company number 00948776). Parkinson’s UK is not responsible for the activity and is not liable for any advice given or treatment received, or for any loss or damage incurred because of attending the activity.