Gradual Movability falls prevention class
Gradual Movability is a chair-supported falls prevention exercise programme. Using physiotherapy-based protocols, participants engage in a structured set of everyday functional movements, such as picking something up or getting up from the floor. Over time these sessions increase strength, balance and coordination.
As we age, we lose muscle mass more quicky, but regular exercises can reduce deterioration in strength, endurance and spatial awareness. Participants feel less anxious about falling over as their balance and agility improves.
The classes teach life-saving skills, reduce the risk of hospitalisation from falls and encourage clients to move regularly using weekly homework to increase quality of life and independence.
How It Can Help:
- Improve core joint and muscle strength
- Improve coordination and balance
- Improve mobility and flexibility
- Delay cognitive impairment
- Reduce depression, anxiety and loneliness
- Improve confidence in ability to live independently
The cost is £10 pay as you go, £8 block booking, or £2 for MS members.
Booking is essential.
Weekly every ThursdayFrom 13:00 until 14:00