Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme
The Falls Management Exercise (FaME) programme is aimed at improving strength and balance to reduce the risk of falls through evidence-based exercises. The class is delivered by a specialist qualified Postural Stability Instructor (PSI) who will go through a health and medical questionnaire pre-assessment, help you set your goals then tailor and adapt the exercises to suit you to ensure a safe, effective, programme is delivered.
Booking is essential for your first visit. Please contact the exercise instructor Bronia Warden Tel. 07895 380615 email: [email protected] who will arrange a time for you to attend for an assessment prior to joining the sessions.
The class is for mixed ability. You work at your own pace to suit you on the day, either seated or standing, with the option of working towards getting down and back up off the floor safely.
Clothing should be comfortable to move around in and a good fitting shoe/trainer. Water is available throughout.
This class starts at 1pm for an hour and refreshments are served afterwards from 2 -2.30pm. The social element is an important part of the group, it is a great time to share, discuss and support each other.
Volunteer needed! - We need to recruit a volunteer to help with refreshments and the room set up for this weekly exercise class. If you have some time to spare and would like to find out more please contact Rose Crawley: Tel:0344 225 3634 or email [email protected]
Weekly every WednesdayFrom 14:30 until 15:30