Dereham Group Meeting
We have a varied programme of activities at our monthly meetings, taking place as shown below.
6 February
Sir John Hurt Film Trust, Angela Bishop, Cinema Memories - Usherettes, back row!
6 March
Group’s 20th birthday - Georgina Sait, Campaign Officer at Parkinson's UK
3 April
Seated Zumba - Pearl Cooper, gentle exercise
1 May
Gina Eames - Ex Blue Coat
5 June
Medical Detection Dogs - By popular demand!
3 July
Sue Mills - Trading Manager, Parkinson's UK Online Shop
7 August
No meeting
4 September
Seated Zumba - Pearl Cooper, gentle exercise
2 October
NARS - Joe Russell, Norfolk Accident Rescue Service
6 November
Dereham Heritage Trust
Refreshments are also available. We also occasionally arrange days out and other social activities.
Anyone affected by Parkinson's is welcome.
Monthly on the first ThursdayFrom 13:00 until 15:00