
Dance for Parkinson's - Term Time Only

Our Dance for Parkinsons class is a danced based exercise class using seated and standing exercises that are derived from dance including ballet, jazz and musical theatre. 

They are taught by a fully qualified and trained dance teacher who has also completed the ‘Dance For Parkinson’ course at De Montfort University. 

Dance is a great way to keep mobile by improving strength, flexibility and co-ordination as well as the social side of meeting and dancing with other like-minded people. 

The class begins with seated exercises to warm up and mobilise the body, followed by some barre work (holding onto to the ballet barres working the legs) and finishing with some travelling exercises and a short routine. The class is suitable for all abilities and can be adapted depending on mobility. It is not suitable for wheelchair users due to access. 

The class is in the evening so would be ideal for people who are still working and wanting to remain active. 

Regular clothes can be worn but trousers are recommended for ease of movement, no shoes just socks to be worn in the studio. There are quite a few stairs to access the studio and parking is a short walk away. 

The cost is £5.00 per class. Carers are welcome to join the class for free.

Please note that classes only run during Term Time.

  • Weekly every Thursday
    From 18:30 until 19:30
Primary contact
Tamara Lim - Tring Park School for the Performing Arts


Tring Park School for the Performing Arts
Tring Park
HP23 5LX

Please note that this activity is not organised by Parkinson's UK (company number 00948776). Parkinson’s UK is not responsible for the activity and is not liable for any advice given or treatment received, or for any loss or damage incurred because of attending the activity.