Run by
This activity is run by Parkinson's UK

Billericay Group Meeting

We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. We organise regular therapeutic activities and social activities. Join us - and meet other people affected by Parkinson's in your area. No meeting in August.

The group is run by volunteers and are always interested in people who would like to help. Please get in touch for more information.

We already have some exciting things lined up for 2025. Please pop these dates into your diaries, and we will update you on these soon:

18th January - Free Little Art Galleries

15th February - Grays Town Band

1st March - Cockney Night

15th March - Medical Detection Dogs

11th April - World Parkinson's Day

17th May - Fun Fair Games

  • Monthly on the third Saturday
    From 14:30 until 16:30
Voluntary donation
Primary contact
Kate Watson


Billericay Emmanuel Church
Laindon Road
CM12 9LD

This activity is run by

Billericay Support Group

If you have any feedback about the activities available through our online search, please let us know at [email protected]