
Active with Parkinson's Cambs Nordic Walking - Stapleford

Nordic walking is very beneficial to people with Parkinson's as it enables them to maintain stride length and posture, whilst also helping with neuroplasticity of the brain and coordination. 

Nordic walking helps to improve upper and lower body strength, as well as increasing bone density, cardiovascular and general fitness.

Finally, it gives you the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and sociability of being part of a very friendly and welcoming group!

The cost is £10.00 per session or block bookings of £45.00 for 6 sessions.

We also provide an indoor alternative of the Smovey class when the weather is bad. Class instructor is Paul Goddard.

For further information please contact Deb Liddington on 0774 332 4288 or email [email protected] or refer to our website

  • Weekly every Friday
    From 14:15 until 15:30
Primary contact
Deb Liddington


Jubilee Pavilion
Gog Magog Way
CB22 5BQ

Please note that this activity is not organised by Parkinson's UK (company number 00948776). Parkinson’s UK is not responsible for the activity and is not liable for any advice given or treatment received, or for any loss or damage incurred because of attending the activity.