
Free membership of Everyone Active - Batchwood Golf and Sports Centre

Everyone Active is offering a complimentary membership for people living with Parkinson’s. Free membership is also be given to carers to provide support if needed.

Being more active will help you to live well with Parkinson’s and as well as aiding cardiovascular fitness, balance, strength and coordination, many people say it helps them to sleep better, feel less anxious and to help them keep doing the things that they enjoy.

Whether you are a regular at a leisure centre or a beginner, try and keep in mind these 4 hints:

  • Some is good, more is better! It’s great to be active, but try and do as much as you can as often as you can – and try and get your intensity levels high
  • Keep it enjoyable and varied. If you enjoy what you do, then you’ll keep doing it! Try and vary how you are active – mix in some classes with some gym work, or a swimming session with your usual yoga or pilates – whatever you enjoy doing
  • Make it social. Being active with old friends or new, or in a class or group can really increase your enjoyment and motivation, and it’s a good excuse for a chat and some cake afterwards
  • Challenge your mind. Keeping your brain as well as your body active can be very beneficial for all of us, and it’s especially true for people with Parkinson’s. For example dancing or table tennis are great ways to be mentally and physically active.

For more information and to get your free membership visit or call into your local Everyone Active leisure centre.

Get in touch for more information.
Primary contact
Batchwood Golf and Sports Centre


Batchwood Golf and Sports Centre
Batchwood Dr
St Albans
Accessible parking available

Please note that this activity is not organised by Parkinson's UK (company number 00948776). Parkinson’s UK is not responsible for the activity and is not liable for any advice given or treatment received, or for any loss or damage incurred because of attending the activity.